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With the economic recovery of China's consumer goods market after the Covid-19 epidemic, users' consumption of luxury goods and designer brands has also increased significantly. The Yige App, which is dedicated to providing users with a shopping platform, also needs to be updated.


On the premise of maintaining the original framework, strategy and functions of the App, this design reorganized and analyzed the performance to the final visual landing plan, and iterated and upgraded the user service and user interface.

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Market Analysis

In order to have a more detailed understanding of the consumer market after the epidemic, my clients and I decided to analyze the market at the beginning.

Market Status: Ushering in an Explosive Period

Looking back at the development of China in recent years, we will find that it is very similar to Japan. To achieve economic recovery, various economic policies have been introduced, which have promoted a major economic explosion and caused an explosive increase in GDP in China.

The total sales of the luxury goods market accounted for 23% of the world, replacing the United States as the world's largest luxury goods market.

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Market Space: Huge Potential

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According to relevant reports, the consumption of domestic luxury repair products will be close to 24.1 billion yuan in 2021, while the domestic luxury repair product market in 2017 is only 9.8 billion yuan, accounting for 2%. It is predicted that the luxury repair product market will reach 30.3 billion yuan next year , reaching 46.9 billion yuan in 2024.

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"SWOT" Analysis

SWOT analysis (or SWOT matrix) is a strategic planning and strategic management technique used to help a person or organization identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats related to business competition or project planning. It is sometimes called situational assessment or situational analysis.[1] Additional acronyms using the same components include TOWS and WOTS-UP.

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User Research

Purchase Motivation

In the study, it was found that different income levels have different purchasing motivations. The higher the income level, the stronger the social consumption motivation tendency to buy designer brands; the lower the income level, the stronger the personal motivation tendency to buy designer brands.

*Social consumption motivation​: Consumers often use goods to help define and construct their personal or social identity. Goods are oftentimes embedded with deep and intricate personal or social meanings, and these meanings can change rapidly overtime (McCracken 1986). 

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Behavioral Characteristics of Consumer Groups

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User Interviews

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Analysis of user experience in consumption

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User Journey

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Visual Optimization

Visual Hierarchy Experience

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Visual Schema

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Version Innovation
Page Iteration
Project Summary

This is a project I participated in in 2023. Through preliminary visits, surveys, and problem summaries, I used methods such as emotional version and brand integration to provide a basis for product design. While solving problems, I also gave users a sense of freshness and familiarity, and hoped that users would leave a deep memory.

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